
Friday, March 2, 2012

You Can't Eat Me

Scary Chunk of Meat


  1. This really scared me

    my mom told me not to go on this website again

    1. I am the law and i will stab you

    2. Beef inside of a can minced with lots of corn and syrup for maximum jflavor and juices inside of yur mouth

  2. meeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeqaaaaeaeaeaeat

  3. Sorry I just crop dusted you right now

  4. I am the creator of this image thanks for the support

  5. I bet that you can't even fight a squirrel you chon

  6. Replies
    1. have fun son. catch some fish in the creek while youre at it.

    2. Ok i promise the boogie man wont catch me

  7. Livin in the sun eatin taffy water

  8. our store is being closed out. papa's murphys is buying our business. stay funky.

  9. i need assisantants in countoing the sesama seed

  10. Bruh this is my shit in a boel

  11. big pints of milk cream on the sofa of your dads hotel room

  12. how much corn do you want please m

  13. talkin about some rats on tuesday ;)

  14. somobody ate the thing stivkin out of my bodyNovember 20, 2019 at 12:08 PM


  15. I burn hot wax in the kiln for maximum moisture

  16. cook inbetween my legsNovember 20, 2019 at 12:11 PM

    send me flex tape to fix my broked stomach flabs

  17. run from my step mom shes doin stuffNovember 20, 2019 at 12:13 PM

    runnnnn for else bad things will happed

  18. dick me down like aunt sally

    this one is a classic

  19. i really need help please donate to,donate

  20. oops i ate the carrot meat

  21. guess what i got kids now its all thanks to this blogNovember 20, 2019 at 12:18 PM


  22. low jkey fucking dint yoNovember 20, 2019 at 12:18 PM

    charded the reptile bones about 2 months ago at this tiume

  23. good in a bottle with finty shit lobe

  24. aasdfghjklkjhgfdsasdfghjhgtfrdew

  25. please read the whole thing dinty minty is yummee when tyou eat dint dint dint dint dint dint dint dint dint dint dint int please read thw whole thing. d it the bobo sauce is not nin a tree beacuse my ap shit bobobobobo died when he got grapes from oick n save when he was hungry for dint and shit and loopus and oussy milk is cary tasty so I just want to let you guys know that dinty kis s not important for food or conspumption thank yoy for reading and i hbope you eat jolopy thank you and good night my dint beans are rumbling for some grap juice of bitch nig hopes that the goop is no loop ok thank yiou again and good night thnak akanaknakan nakles and goples have gotten lost over the years so please look for them will you help me please thanky ou and good night sorry you had to read this long messafe but it is important fo xcondsjumption of the human body thank you for your service you fuckin rat ass thankl you and goodn ight unless you eatshit when you fied in ww2 because you cant to many canns so now if you redally want to know how i feel I just really want some mike ds and some fresh beef from clvland thanbk you so mjuch and I hope that you enjoed this long message for the last time thanky uoi and good night.

  26. this is another message from seet. please read the whole thing. have you ever thought tht agges and mint was not a good enough diet well... your fucking right. So what am i trying to say im trying to say the dint and lint is not a good combo with goop and hoes you got me on that. I was just trying to hve a good aold fashioned grumble but no no no you had the fuck m y shit up and you know what i say to that i say fuvk you you fucvking bitch ass niga yeah you heard me im a very sensitive boy so please listen to thixs. You dont have any orbs if you think that dfint is bad. You are terrible boi. yeah boi. yeah yeah yeah yeha yeah yeah yeah yeah syssa did not aporove of what you said okay so plea. flea did not get a=good enough look with jop and gop okay twat. eat a stick so you can get a fig boi thanks for reading and hagen daz is a very foop cream if you know what Im sayin the bobo doesnt even get all of his nutrients gfrom the meat he gets his nurtrients fgrom all of the powerr that he sucks in from the plenta goi. what is a plang goi you ask? it is a dip stick inside of acan of iol soil that is yumm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmme if you ask nme I tyhink that dinty moore is good if you want some lupis then come on down to docotr goodmans shop for the retards the grestest shop for a,l of the retards that dont like eating opy and jopy okay I hope braden and alexander raead this you can probaly know who said thius so please dont suwe my sorry ass and I hope tghat youhave a good smelling shint ball thank you sir and have a ma,ssivly happily gunkli wing fing lop of a fucking day bitch so dint eat yip okay do not eat yip you gkt me do not EAT YIP please dont eat YIP. yip onsight is sa condition where you csn fap indi pof a can thank you so much for listening and hyou are welciome for all of the service that has been done thgnk you and goo god good good good good good night to the rats

  27. Jeremiah Jenne


    独立宣言--The Declaration of Independence in Chinese
    July 3, 2007
    Today is July 4, American Independence Day. On this date in 1776...not much happened. The document had been completed two days earlier. As John Adams wrote to his wife Abigail:
    \\roundtable is available for free online via The Center for

  28. For the purposes of Article 8 of the Convention it is hereby declared that the Government of Pakistan is opposed to service of judicial documents upon persons, other than nationals of the requesting States, residing in Pakistan, directly through the Diplomatic and Consular agents of the requesting States. However, it has no objection to such service by postal channels directly to the persons concerned (Article 10(a)) or directly through the judicial officers of Pakistan in terms of Article 10(b) of the Convention if such service is recognised by the law of the requesting State.

    In terms of the second paragraph of Article 15 of the Convention, it is hereby declared that notwithstanding the provision of the first paragraph thereof the judge may give judgment even if no certificate of service or delivery has been received, if the following conditions are fulfilled:

    a) the document was transmitted by one of the methods provided for in the Convention;
    b) the period of time of not less than 6 months, considered adequate by the judge in the particular case, has elapsed since the date of transmission of the document; and
    c) no certificate of any kind has been received even though every reasonable effort has been made to obtain it through the competent authorities of the State addressed.

    As regards Article 16, paragraph 3, of the Convention it is hereby declared that in case of ex-parte decisions, an application for setting it aside will not be entertained if it is filed after the expiration of the period of limitation prescribed by law of Pakistan.

  29. og do how ya do dintidy how ya do pek

  30. Replies
    1. hahahauhahuhahahauhuhahahauhahahahahahahabihabihahahauhahuhahauha this post was funni! hau hau hau! I will Laugh! heeheeheheeheehee ha e he ooooo hahahahahahahah heeeeeeeee hooooo hahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahhahhhahahahahahahhaha baaaaahhoooooooooooooool! hahahahahahahahahhhahhh heheheheheheheheheh hoooooqoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohahahahahahahahahah
