
Monday, April 18, 2011

He's Here! Hooty the Owl: On My Porch

He's Here!

Hooty arrived on my doorstep Saturday morning! The doorbell rang and there he was--our new solar-panel operated, bobble-head owl. Let me digress.

I have always treated birds with the utmost respect. I've liked them since I was a kid. I feed them bread in my backyard garden, gave them two bird feeders, a bird bath and a birdhouse to sleep in. I have even included them in numerous pieces of my design work; soaring through the air, sitting on telephone wires, etc...

So why do they have to be so disrespectful to me?

They wake me up in the morning with loud annoying croaks--where are the song birds? One pooped on my head/shoulder through my car's sunroof when I was driving--probably digesting food I gave them! And now this! Outright harassment!

There's a bird that has taken a liking to our Ford Fusion. It is the only car in the neighborhood it will perch on. It is there everyday, every hour. Pooping, squawking, running its head into the side-view mirror, pooping more, smearing its poop all over the car with its feathers and feet. We only wash the car so the damn thing has more spots to soil.

Neighbors have stopped by to talk about the bird. People have offered their suggestions from putting a plastic bag on the mirror to the more extreme shooting it.

It's been about a month. We kind of put it on the back burner. That is until I'm told an owl is coming this weekend. A what? An owl.

And that brings us to now.

Hooty is here, and apparently is going on our car or something. Let's hope he can do more than all-the-things-we-haven't-tried-before-buying-a-fake-owl did.
Hooty, a new addition to our family.


  1. This is neat. I might just get one for the hell of it, we don't even have a pesty bird.
