
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

QR Codes Will Rule The World!

I hope the QR code craze lasts longer than my fascination with Snuggies. While my blue robe blanket is gathering dust in the closet, my QR code is freshly stamped on my every personal belonging. They aren't going anywhere. Right? I anticipate my lifeless body's toe tag will be printed with a matrix of tiny black squares within a square, otherwise known as the Quick Response code. I foresee the coroner scanning it to obtain my personal information, and may even come across my blog.

I figured I would make it even easier by tattooing it on my forehead. After all, isn’t that what most companies and individuals are currently doing? I am seeing the hectic codes appearing on company vehicles, Facebook profiles, retail products and real estate riders among many others. They are free and accessible. QR Code generator websites are easy enough to use to make the non-tech folk look like technical geniuses.

Do I blame them? Not at all. I have a permanent reminder of this fad inked on my face. Please join me! In the future, people will neither have to look at or talk to you. All they’ll have to do is use their smartphone to scan the modern barcode beneath your hairline.

Unfortunately, my phone is too prehistoric to use this technology. Let’s just hope this technology doesn’t become too prehistoric before I upgrade to an iPhone 7.

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