
Friday, May 30, 2014


The right people are coming to see me at the right time. Clients I have posted before. Although these are smaller projects, I am excited to get to still be a part...

Saturday, May 24, 2014


Custom Cut Colgate
Die cut set-up, added bleed, production files (also made the cut-out dog driving the car in the background)

Monday, May 19, 2014

Scram Crawling Insect Killer

Scram Crawling Insect Killer
Yahoo! Finance - SCRAM Scrawling Insect Killer
I finally get to share a very rewarding branding project I have been working on with an amazing client, Tomie Gartland, owner of SCRAM Crawling Insect Killer. The product has been approved for sale in all 50 states, and can be purchased at

Scram Crawling Insect Killer -- Comprehensive Solutions Award -- William D. SIEMER II

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Rolling Stone's Intentional Mistake

Rolling Stone's Intentional Mistake

Although it is old news now...working in/with Design, PR and Marketing for as long as I have, you have to assume this Rolling Stone magazine mistake was intentional. A large amount of professional proofreaders, photographers, editors, and designers would have seen this, and somebody would have known this was incorrect before going to print.

If "John Hancock" wasn't "mistakenly" put on her back tattoo, this cover would have been ordinary, and easily ignored; however, the mistake made it talked about for weeks.

You can't believe everything the media feeds you...

E-Online's Article

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Wine Header

Wine Header

Designed, and have been printing/producing a number of these wine headers for retail.

Tick in a Jar

Tick in a Jar

Pretty gross. I guess this is what I get for taking the dog out in the woods for 8 hours. Removed this "sucker" from the back of her neck, and threw it in some alcohol.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Works in Progress

Hanging Sign Design

Site Sign Design

Designed Labels on Plotter

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Green Tea Kit-Kat

I've been very lucky to work with a lot of great people. Charles saw my love for green tea and Kit-Kats, and turned it into this generous gift.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Zamboni Model

Zamboni Model

Getting out the millimeters for the design/production of these custom decals for a Zamboni model.