
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Forgettable Tag Lines

Forgettable Tag Lines
William D. SIEMER II

If you want your company to remain fresh and relevant, stay away from these common tag lines (and their variations)...

Your Missing Puzzle Piece
Your Bridge to Opportunity
Your Key to Success
Your Door to New Business
Your Gateway to Financial Wealth
Your Road to Freedom
Your Path to Productivity

Your Missing Puzzle Piece
Your Bridge to Opportunity

Mark Twain Google Doodle

Mark Twain Google Doodle

Samuel Clemens' Google Doodle for his 176th birthday.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

You Are Beautiful (Re-Post from 3/31/11)

You Are Beautiful (Re-Post from 3/31/11)

William D. SIEMER II

I am tired. I'm getting older. Age has taken a toll on my body and my appearance. The rates of wrinkles, crevices, and bags under my eyes are only increasing.
I wake up, get a shower, put on some clothes, and head out the door for work. I get into my equally worn Ford Focus, and glance up at the rear-view mirror. Staring back at me is a man who has seen better, younger days. This is only the beginning...
Every day I drive the same stretch of Cincinnati highway, so every day I see the same billboards. They are mainly littered with ads for hospitals, digital internet providers, and miscellaneous retail stores. However, on this day I am feeling particularly self-conscience, and apparently more aware. I pass the downtown sport's arena and see a large digital display promoting $1,500 eyelid plastic surgery. Hmmm... my eyelids are looking a little saggy. The next billboard that catches my eyes is a surgeon who touts performing "3,000 facelifts." That might help get rid of my crow's feet and sunken eyes. Another billboard. Another facelift. That will assist with "The Tracks of My Tears" and the canals leading from my nose to mouth. In total, I passed six billboards for plastic surgery within 10 miles. I would make some Michael Jackson reference, but I'm actually a fan so I will leave it at that.
Maybe I chose the wrong profession. I get a few hundred dollars for advanced Photoshop editing--these doctors get a few thousand. That's not the point (I don't actually do much digital facial reconstruction.) However, how many times do we need to exploit the insecurities of people with the promise of youth, the forecasts of before and after, and the hopeful advancements of skin care products?
As I've aged, I've realized that beauty truly does come from within. Furthermore, I now find beauty in "flaws." After all, everyone has their own idiosyncrasies that make up their personality, so why not characteristics that distinguish their individuality? Gray hair is a color in my palette; a wrinkle is a simple stroke from my brush; old age is a priceless Van Gogh painting.
I didn't buy into my own philosophy a few years ago. I remember writing the following lyrics, "I'm sorry that I'm not the person you want, I'm not symmetrical and my body's not proportional. I'm not the pretty face in your magazine. Oh no, I'm not."
Still, I may not be the pretty face in your magazine, but I am trying to embrace my aging. Wiser? I don't know, but I need to come to terms with reality. I'll end up looking like my father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, and that's fine. I'm tired, but so is everyone else.
If I had infinite money, maybe I'd purchase those six billboards to tell you you're beautiful the way you are. Sure, I'd be putting people out of business, but maybe the doctors could concentrate their efforts elsewhere. I am not against people resorting to facial reconstruction. All I am asking is to consult with people around you, and look at yourself as a piece of art.
Some of the most beautiful pieces of art do not concentrate on perfectionism, but on substance. What are the impressions, moods, and beauty of the message? Look deeper.
My message is you are beautiful. Hopefully, someday I’ll realize this is true of me. I am a perfectionist, but I need to make peace with the face in the rear-view mirror, so someday I again ignore the billboards that eluded me for all this time.

The Galaxy from a Cliff

The Galaxy from a Cliff

I enjoyed this back-lit panel from a recent trip to Washington DC.

Monday, November 28, 2011

New Ohio License Plate

License plate gets new look

Team of students at CCAD redesigned vehicle tags and Ohio driver’s license at request of governor John Kasich.

Students at the Columbus College of Art & Design created this new Ohio license plate.

Open Hearts by Jane Seymour

Open Hearts by Jane Seymour

Double Heart Pendant
"Behind Every Heart is an Ulterior Motive"
There are trillions of reasons to give one, so give two.

Double Heart Pendant
If your heart is open, it's capable of being broken.
wdsiemer ii

Sunday, November 27, 2011

My Christmas Tree

My Christmas Tree

I've been seeing person-after-person posting photos of their Christmas Trees on Facebook, so I thought it was about time to share my own. I have a small home, and a small budget. My tree reflects this...

The Sketchpad

The Sketchpad

The Sketchpad will probably be given a new page header sometime this month. I am updating all my online portfolio pages, and for-better-or-worse I will be wanting this blog to match the rest of my page's content for consistent branding. Nothing else should be changed.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Flying Pig (Journal)

Flying Pig (Journal)

I'm not exactly out of shape, or at least I thought I wasn't. I try to go jogging every day even if it's only for a few miles. It was a beautiful day today, so as I started jogging I was thinking up grand ideas about training for the Flying Pig Marathon. I kept saying it starts today.

Twelve miles later (not even half a marathon) and I'm back home. Flying Pig? Try crippled pig on his way to the chopping block. The pig's knees, ankles and nipples hurt. Unless I plan on flying this race, I don't know if I have the time to dedicate to such endeavors.

I'll probably go back to running shorter distances tomorrow. I guess the good news is if you read this blog you won't have to read about every mile I run, every meal I eat, and every pound I lose as I train for a marathon.

Go by Hanson

I'm pretty sure me and my friend thought Hanson were hot in Mmm Bop when we thought they were teen girls.

Go by Hanson
[Hear it Here]

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving from Hooty!

I'm thankful for every day.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Kermit to Star on Dancing with the Stars?

Kermit the Frog to Star on Dancing with the Stars?

And the Mirror Ball Trophy goes to...

Dancing with the Stars
Kermit the Frog and Karina Smirnoff. wdsiemer ii

I Swallowed A Deer

I Swallowed A Deer

As if deers didn't already have enough worries about ways they could die...

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

FedEx Install

FedEx Install

Not exactly what I thought I'd be doing today, but work is work and money is money. Brent and I installed some graphics today on a new FedEx truck. Went fairly smooth, but I prefer being on the design end of the process.

Snapped with my crappy cell phone camrea.

Arrow Sign Flipper

Arrow Sign Flipper

I've made a few of these, but decided it was time to hire my own flipper...

Earning his feed. wdsiemer ii

Monday, November 21, 2011

The Smurfs Video

The Smurfs Video

What a steal! Only $5 for awesome Smurfness at Target. I could (and do) watch them on Boom, but this is smurfier.

BCS Computer Rankings

BCS Computer Rankings

Have you ever wondered how the BCS standings were formulated?

This is a rare photo of the computer "system" at work. Supposedly, Jerry the Hamster spins a cage full of balls with high-income football colleges. When Jerry poops on a selected ball, an electrical impulse is sent from the ball through a wire to a top-of-the-line 1981 IBM computer, which displays the team and its rankings in order of Jerry's bowel movements.

It's high-tech science. Most people wouldn't understand.

High-tech BCS Rankings Technology

Friday, November 18, 2011

Cloud Island

Cloud Island

Looks like a level design right out of a Mario video game. Pretty neat.

Photographer Andrea Ricordi captured this photo of the Faroe Islands. “The small island with a cap of clouds is called Litla Dimun,” says Ricordi, who saw the photo go viral this week after it was posted online via the social news site, Reddit. “It was early morning and the sky was unusually clean except the stubborn clouds that hid the top of the island.” (Photo: Andrea Ricordi/Spumador/

Daguerre Google Doodle

Daguerre Google Doodle

This isn't the first time I've tagged Louis Daguerre. Mentioned his process in Historic Cincinnati 1848. Not one of my favorite Google Doodles. Something about the framing...

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Jupiter's Moon Europa

New Finding Ups the Chances of Life on Jupiter's Moon Europa

Saturn's moons Titan and Enceladus showed potential, and now Jupiter's moon Europa is showing promise for life-sustaining conditions even if they may be buried deep in its crust.


Europa's "Great Lake." Scientists speculate many more exist throughout the shallow regions of the moon's icy shell.
Credit:Britney Schmidt/Dead Pixel VFX/Univ. of Texas at Austin

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Chinchilla Mario

Chinchilla Mario

This was posted within the last week...

Tanooki Mario. Nintendo

"Tanooki may be just a "suit" in Mario games, but by wearing the skin of an animal, Mario is sending the message that it's OK to wear fur," PETA says.

PETA insists this encourages animal abuse.

"Tanukis are real-life raccoon dogs who are beaten and, as PETA's undercover exposés show, often skinned alive for their fur," says PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman. "This winter, everyone can give raccoon dogs and other fabulous animals a 1-UP by keeping our wardrobes fur-free."

Orange Brushed Texture

Orange Brushed Texture

A texture I created for a backdrop accent. Nothing special, but I'm sure someone can find a use for it on an image search.
the sketchpad with above orange texture wdsiemer ii

Monday, November 14, 2011

KFC Popcorn Chicken Diet

KFC Popcorn Chicken Diet

I have captured the attention of a nation with my Popcorn Chicken Diet. People write in each day to see how I'm doing. I want to let each one of you know that I have gained nearly 10 lbs and am having problems breathing, so things seem to be going really well.

Tonight I added a little bonus and double-fisted me some popcorn chicken.

Totino's Restaurant

Totino's Restaurant

A rendering of Totino's Party Pizza Restaurant in dedication of my friend Nick who lives for the stuff. However, due to overhead they will be charging $2.25/pizza.

Totino's Restaurant Rendering wdsiemer ii

Indian Hill

Indian Hill

A cute little mock-up, don't ya think?

Quick Sketch for measurements
Detail of Vector Conceptualization

Small-Scale Mock-Up

Edward Hopper

Edward Hopper

Another artist who has stood out to me since my childhood is Edward Hopper. His oil paintings have always made me feel a great sense of isolation.

Gas Edward Hopper

Nighthawks Edward Hopper

Song of the Day

Not my typical song, but I like the refrain...

Club Can't Handle Me by Flo-Rida
Hear it here!
Song of the Day 11/14/11

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Saul Bass [Book]

Saul Bass [Book] by Jennifer Bass, Pat Kirkham in Books

A classic graphic designer...

This is the first book to be published on one of the greatest American designers of the 20th Century, who was as famous for his work in film as for his corporate identity and graphic work.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Change in Perspective

Change in Perspective
from Yahoo Snapshots
by Mike Edmonds

A photo by Mike Edmonds went viral over the last week after it was posted on Facebook with the message ”if you look long enough, you can see the change in perspective.” At last count, it generated over 30,000 “likes” and was shared over 60,000 times.

(Photo: Mike Edmonds)

Friday, November 11, 2011

Vinyl City

Vinyl City (Experimentation)

Vinyl City Experimentation. wdsiemer ii

Happy Veterinarians Day!

Happy Veterinarians Day!

Saving animals every day...

There really should be a day to honor our service Veterans like my grandfather...

I really thought today's Google Doodle was for Christopher Robin from Winnie the Pooh.

I recently painted a room in my house "Christopher Robins Swing."